MRO (maintenance, repair and operations) industry is an attractive target for cyber attacks. Accordi
This program helps you master the procurement and supply functions of integrated supply chain manage
This course builds on participants’ understanding and skills of how to develop sustainable and
In the marine industry most perceptions, methodologies and frameworks of dealing with hazards, risks
C4D is an evidence-based process that utilizes a mix of communication tools, channels and approaches
Most health care institutions today must support a hybrid data environment, with medical records sto
This course is designed to assist investment professionals and financial analysts in gaining an unde
Organizations are highly motivated to avoid the huge costs associated with occupational and environm
The primary objective of this training is to provide basic information about what constitutes gender
Credit risk management is the practice of mitigating losses by understanding the adequacy of a
This course is designed to make the participants aware of the corporate tax laws applicable to their
Designed to help people become more effective at time and task management, to be efficient, and orga
With the regulatory spotlight on operational risk management, there has been ever increasing attenti
Anyone can be promoted to manager, but not anyone can lead. Trainers of new and aspiring leaders wil
This course is designed to make the participants aware of the corporate tax laws applicable to their
Laboratory quality is all about the accuracy, reliability and timeliness of reported test results in
HR plays a pivotal role in both being competitive today and planting the foundations of future growt
This exciting course aims to address these issues looking at topics such as access control, crime co
Localization is a loosely defined agenda meant to correct for historic and systematic exclusion and
A marketing strategy lives and dies in communication with the customer. A methodology to it is the c